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  1. The story of an Indian family restaurant in the Paris of 1937-L’Inde A Paris— and their trials and tribulations through Occupied France are captured in this compelling historical Memoir for readers around the world.
  2. Increase children and adolescents' socio-emotional abilities using a breakthrough conversational method.
  3. Channeled messages on masculinity, healing the male wound, love and relationships from Jeshua by Pamela Kribbe.
  4. A brief overview of the American criminal justice system.
  5. The Jeshua Channelings speak about the rise of heart-based consciousness.
  6. If you open this book you must open yourself to a world of intrigue, romance, and magic. How it begins and how it will end is a mystery hidden within the pages of this story. It's up to you to discover the truth behind the Fleur-de-lys.
  7. Alicia Cruz McCall lives two lives. Her standing as a nationally recognized portrait artist masks her true calling as a contract killer. Little did anyone suspect that this quiet, gifted girl could become a feared assassin.
  8. To Sisterhood! covers the formative period in the lives of four friends from 1969-1972: a time when chaos in the streets echoed the chaos within families divided by the Vietnam War, changing social mores, and expectations for women.
  9. Loving guide for lightworkers seeking to awaken the Christ Within.
  10. Energy drinks explained: ingredients, safety tips and consumption tricks.
  1. If you open this book you must open yourself to a world of intrigue, romance, and magic. How it begins and how it will end is a mystery hidden within the pages of this story. It's up to you to discover the truth behind the Fleur-de-lys.
  2. Alicia Cruz McCall lives two lives. Her standing as a nationally recognized portrait artist masks her true calling as a contract killer. Little did anyone suspect that this quiet, gifted girl could become a feared assassin.
  3. Within these pages lie brief snapshots of my life and understandings. On subjects of abandonment, mindfulness, the environment, creativity, connection, addiction and our often flawed approach to its treatment.
  4. Surviving Grief - 365 Days a Year is a follow-up to Gary's bestselling book Surviving - Finding Your Way from Grief to Healing. Gary offers you reassuring guidance and comforting advice as you travel through your personal grief journey.
  5. A new generation of heroes emerges as the North and South face off in a devastating civil war, bonded together by an extraordinary medallion forged by the legendary Paul Revere.
  6. The story of an Indian family restaurant in the Paris of 1937-L’Inde A Paris— and their trials and tribulations through Occupied France are captured in this compelling historical Memoir for readers around the world.
  7. Channeled messages on masculinity, healing the male wound, love and relationships from Jeshua by Pamela Kribbe.
  8. I visited the Hagan Home designed by Frank Lloyd Wright as a 10-year-old child. That inspiration launched a career as a designer of buildings and many other things.
  9. The story of David O. Chung, an Asian American Vietnam veteran whose activism connects him to FedEx, the Vietnam Women’s Memorial, and the VA Secretary’s Office in Washington DC.
  10. Dramatic monologues appearing as hollow or enduring pictures of personas wrestling with survival as narrators of their lives or cultivators of new versions of their souls?

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From the good life in Hawaii to the 1976 Olympic sailing trails, to Saudi Arabia’s growth years, to a Transpacific yacht race, adventures in Europe, then back to Hawaii and sailing with friends through remote Fiji Islands.
A collection of light-hearted true short stories about coming of age in Mississippi during the 1970s and 80s, mixed with historical events which shaped the author into adulthood, marriage, and parenting.
This book explains how the banking cartel and the Reserve seize the wealth of society's most vulnerable members to create fiat money. Such unimpeded bank credit offers the government a convenient source of unlimited borrowing and spending.
Composer and pianist Elisabeth Winters returns to the United States after the Civil War to find that her life is in jeopardy. By those who killed her father? Or by the suave and charming man whose presence taunts an unrecovered memory?
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A new generation of heroes emerges as the North and South face off in a devastating civil war, bonded together by an extraordinary medallion forged by the legendary Paul Revere.
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